Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Every child deserve early start in education.

   In response to Adela Moreno blog posting on August 8, 2014. titled "An early start at education for all" " found her blog titled "Forgotten Alamo" i quite agree with her that every child regardless of parents financial background need to be given the equal opportunity of starting education at an early age mostly pre-k.  This is because it enhances the child educational performance in the future; a child who starts at the early age to obtain his educational goal may be more likely to succeed in future education than the child who is denied such opportunity. Also a child who starts school early is likely to be respectful and more obedient to parents; most schools teach children to be well behaved and every child should be given such opportunity.

Also i believe the act "No Child Left Behind" is like a barrier to most students especially those children from a wealthy background who is being left out because of their parents financial status, however this country needs an educational reform that will advance the progress of every student at the earliest possible time of their life,not the reform that will strict some set of students.

Children should not be denied access to early education because of the status of their parents, however every child should be carried through school in order to secure their future; they should not be blame for their parent financial status. The Texas government should work towards that and ensure that all children are treated equally in terms of education and not through monitoring of their parents financial qualification.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Tuition cost in Texas

                     The cost that is incurred in a person's educational process which may include, cost of classes, cost of books, cost of some logistics like parking permit, uniforms, writing materials and so on may be regarded as tuition or school fees. The above mentioned costs may be put into consideration when a person is trying to enroll into a particular school or the other.  Also the ability to afford such money may encourage or hinder a person from going further in his or her educational pursuit regardless of loan accessibility. I believe that Texas should make tuition affordable for all because it will enable many people to attend colleges and also increase the rates of graduates from colleges.
             Tuition cost in many Texas university is increasing on daily basis, thereby making it difficult for most young people to attend colleges. I am talking about most people with one talent or the other who wish to pursue an educational career based on their natural gifts, may have the hopes and dreams shattered as a result of the tuition cost, thus having amazing talents and the possibility of having an amazing future might not be able to come by as a result of tuition cost.  Many young adults have given up on their dreams as a result of high cost of tuition while others now have a large amount of debt, a big amount of money as a result of unending student loans. The government should think about those who may not want a student loan but instead prefer an affordable tuition, thereby encouraging the percentage of people who attend colleges.
               In the other hand, making tuition cost affordable will increase the rates of graduates from colleges and high school in the sense that more people will be likely to enroll into school knowing they can afford the tuition from first year to their final year in school, which will in turn increase the number of graduating student from both colleges and high school. Currently the news reveals that more Texas high school students are graduating high school with the 88%, I believe if the tuition is mostly affordable, that percentage average can increase.
                 In conclusion, government should make the tuition costs affordable through different means, thereby enabling the young people to be able to attend colleges as well as increase the percentage of graduates in the state.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Should toll roads be paid for?

             In response to Adela Moreno blog posting on July 25, 2014. titled " Driving is not always priceless" found her blog titled "Forgotten Alamo" i must respectively disagree with her opinion  that paying of toll roads by taxpayers should be free in the sense that it is a choice to decide whether or not to pay for toll roads.  It is not a must that everybody will have to pay for toll roads, in other words those who decides to drive through toll roads should be able to pay for it as well. Since there is always alternatives to toll road, i think it is avoidable other than saying it should be free.  For example, i always drive through the alternative roads to toll road, as a matter fact i set my GPS  to avoid toll roads and i don't have to worry about paying for toll roads.  However someone who feels they must drive through toll roads should be able to pay for it as well.
              Also the money charged in toll road are very cheap and affordable by people who use those toll roads when they compare it to the cost of gas, those who use it might prefer to use toll road than to drive extra mile consuming their gas. Also most people believe that using toll roads enables them to meet up an appointment when in a hurry. Knowing this benefits make me believe it is worth paying for by those who use it. Rate of toll roads for the current year can be viewed in the following website  http://www.mobilityauthority.com/projects/183a.php
             Texas should have to pay for toll roads if they use it, those money gotten from toll roads might be useful to the government in providing certain service that we all might enjoy.  Maintaining the roads is the most important thing and not the issue of paying of for toll roads.  Therefore those who use toll roads should pay for it regardless of the location of the toll roads.